Kid’s Pointe is dedicated to creating excitement for the kingdom of God in the lives of children.
We believe in building a strong biblical foundation in the lives of our children through the context of fun.
We believe the excitement of growing in Christ should trickle down from the church into the home.
We believe in leading beside and behind parents, never in front of them.
We believe in providing safe environments for kids that gives parents comfort when dropping them off.
Planning Your First Visit
What to expect…
Greeters! Someone will greet you at the door, help you get checked in, and take your whole family where they need to go.
Security! We have friendly security volunteers monitoring the kids area as well as a sticker name tag system to match you to your child at pickup.
Fun! Kids will be greeted with smiling faces and fun opening activities to help them immediately feel at home at KidsPointe!
Our Weekly Activities
At North Pointe, we believe that Connecting Groups are an integral part of our church - and that applies to children too! Your child will build relationships with their teachers and other children as they learn Bible stories in an interactive, hands-on, and engaging way.
Grow curriculum walks kids through the whole Bible every three years. Along with learning Bible stories, kids focus each quarter on developing relationships with others, developing a relationship with God, using their gifts, and sharing their story with others.
A worship service just for preschoolers!
The whole preschool gathers together for worship through singing and a time to review their Bible story they learned in connecting groups. After worship, they will split back into their small groups to do learning centers as they dive deeper into the Bible stories.
*Children first grade and older attend worship service with their families.
Join us on Wednesday at 6pm!
With classes for every age, our midweek kids activities take kids deeper into the Word in an interactive way, perfect for Wednesday nights!