Connecting Groups
Bibliology Class - From the Greek biblios, bibliology is the study of the book, or more specifically, the study of the Bible. This topic deals with issues of definition, authority, and interpretive methodology. It is vital to have a solid bibliology, because if we don’t approach the Bible properly, then we have no real authority to speak on any of the other areas of systematic theology.
“All Scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
“Study the Word, so that your faith may not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” – C. H. Spurgeon
*This class is currently meeting in person on Sundays, during the 9am hour in portable 32. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Chris & Carrie Farris
We are mostly a young adult group that is hungry to be "filled with awe" (Acts 2:42-47) by the work of God, seeking to engage in authentic community rooted in the Gospel and to make a difference in the Kingdom of God by practicing what we read in scripture and not just talking about it.
*This group currently meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Timmy/Jenilee Emerson & Coleman/Taylor Briscoe
*This group currently meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Josiah/Bethany Presley & Parker/Emma Newton
A multigenerational group with the purpose of building community through the study of God’s word, service to one another and growing deeper in our faith.
*This class will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in portable 23. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Clint/Becca White & Kevin/Leslee Howze
North Pointe’s young professionals connecting group mission is to minister to a new generation of adult believers taking their place in the Church; a generation that is seeking new ways to encounter and model Christ both inside and outside the Church. The hallmark of our class is Alethinos; a Greek word that refers to authentic truth. In other words, while we hold to the eternal fact that Christ is the ultimate truth, we value an honest, robust, and biblical exchange of ideas as we seek to grow together in Christ, and reflect Him to an increasingly complex and diverse world.
*This class currently meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in portable 22. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Kelton & Kylie Williamson
Our class includes a unique blend of faithful couples who meet each week to study God’s word, to fellowship and to share our struggles. We laugh together, pray together, serve together, and do life together. We love our Savior and want to honor Him in all the places and spaces we inhabit. We know believers are more powerful and effective for the Kingdom when working together to face the pressures, adventures and trials of this crazy life. Join us. We have a spot for you.
*This class is currently meeting on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Chris & Renee Hosmer/Steve and Beth Perkins
This group is parents whose kids are off to college, are out on their own, or are married. Most members are grandparents. The group uses the Bible as it’s resource of authoritative truth. A hallmark of the group’s vitality is it’s active discussion and sharing it’s life experiences, including a little humor, to develop insight and understanding of life application of Biblical truths. The class has consistent fellowship and it’s outside ministry focuses on, but is not limited to, the City Rescue Mission and prison ministry.
*This class is currently meeting at 9 a.m Sundays. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Steve & Dee Riley
Singles and parents of all ages, interactive and conversational with focus on applying God’s word to everyday life, praying for one another and praising God for what he’s done in our lives. Focus on biblical principles that will help us navigate the Journey of life together.
*This class is currently meeting in person during the 9am hour. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Bradley/Farah Cox
We are ‘parents of college kids and beyond’ who do Bible study together. During this time we use the Bible as our only resource in a discussion format; typically verse by verse. We also have consistent fellowship and ministry which result in us doing life together.
*This class is currently meeting in person on Sunday mornings at 9am in the youth portable. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leader: Dale Absher
This connecting group exists to encourage one another to grow as disciples of Christ and walk alongside each other. Through the common bond of Jesus Christ our Lord, we celebrate life’s victories and find support and encouragement to overcome setbacks and disappointments. Each Sunday morning we share a little about the past week’s journey, lift needs in prayer, then dig into the riches of God’s word to illuminate the upcoming week’s path.
*This class is currently meeting in person during the 9am hour. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.
Class leaders: Steve & Debra Gallagher
Age Group: College age
Meeting young adults where they are. Walking with each other through the Word as we seek the path God has laid out for each of us. With our vision clearly before us and recognizing the pre-eminent place that God’s Word should occupy in the hearts and minds of all people, this class seeks to meet this vision by fulfilling the Great Commission in the local church body and community as a whole, making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded (Matt. 28:19-20).
*This class is currently meeting in person during the 9am hour. Contact the church for more details if you’re interested in attending.