Revision dates: 

Feb 23, 2014

Dec 21, 2014

Table of contents

Article 1 - Purpose (Why we exist) 3

Article 2 – Statement of Faith (What we believe) 3

Article 3 - Church Membership_ 3

Section 1: General 3

Section 2: Candidacy_ 4

Section 3: Acceptance_ 4

Section 4: Child Membership: 4

Section 5: Responsibility of Members 4

Section 6: Privileges of Members 4

Section 7: Discipline of Members 5

Section 8: Termination of Membership_ 5

Article 4 - Ministry Leadership Structure_ 6

Section 1: Elders 6

A. Responsibilities 6

B. Qualifications 7

C. Number 7

D. Calling Elders 7

E. Elder Selection Process 8

F. Term_ 9

G. Termination_ 9

H. Meetings 10

I. The Pastoral Elder 10

Section 2: Deacons 11

A. Responsibilities 11

B. Qualifications 12

C. Number 12

D. Selection_ 12

F. Termination_ 13

Section 3: Ministry Staff 13

A.        Responsibilities 13

B.        Qualifications 13

C.        Number 13

D.        Selection_ 13

E.        Termination_ 14

Section 4: Other Paid Employees 14

Section 5: Trustees 14

Section 6: Leadership and Ministry Teams 14

Article 5 - Dissolution_ 15

Article 6 - Indemnification_ 15

Article 7 - Amendments 15



North Pointe's purpose (or mission) is; to be and to develop fully devoted followers of Christ.  North Pointe's mission is tied to the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20.


North Pointe's strategy (or vision)—which is our church's unique plan for accomplishing God's mission—is to Love God, Connect to Others, Serve in Ministry, and Reach the World.




Christ is the Head and final authority of the Church. His Word, the Bible, is the binding and final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We affirm the Holy Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God without error and that it is the basis for our beliefs. Scriptural references: Psalm 1:2; 119:11, 72, 105, 130, 140; Proverbs 16:9; 29:18; II Timothy 3:16; ll Peter 1:21. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind Matt 28:19-20. The ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.


We hold to the Baptist Faith and Message statement adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000 as our doctrinal understanding on primary issues. In the event of any conflict between the Baptist Faith and Message statement and these Bylaws, these Bylaws will prevail. In the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and church constitution, the church constitution will prevail. In the event of any conflict between the constitution and the Bible, the Bible will prevail.


Our statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message (2000), expresses our fundamental biblical conviction that Christian marriage is, by definition, the spiritual and physical uniting of one man and one woman in an exclusive covenant commitment for their joint lifetime. Christian marriage is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His Church. As such, this local church believes that wedding ceremonies on church property are spiritual observances of worship of God who created this divine institution. As worship services, weddings on church property shall be officiated by one or more ordained ministers of the gospel. The church may decline to make its facilities or ministers available for any wedding if it is determined that one or both of the parties are not biblically and/or legally qualified to marry. Such determinations may be made by the elders, subject to the direction of the church.

No minister [or employee] of the church shall officiate at any marriage ceremony unless such marriage is consistent with this policy.




B.             SECTION 1: GENERAL

NorthPointe Baptist Church (NPBC) is a sovereign and democratic Baptist church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church. The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church.


C.             SECTION 2: CANDIDACY

Membership in North Pointe Baptist Church (NPBC) may be requested by any person who professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and is in harmony with its doctrines and practices.



All such candidates shall be presented to the church on Celebration Sunday for membership in any of the following ways:


  1. By profession of faith and for baptism by immersion according to God’s Word.

  2. By scriptural baptism upon prior profession of faith.

  3. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist church.

  4. By statement having been previously baptized in another denomination practicing believer’s baptism by immersion.


Membership will be granted to anyone who offers a biblical testimony of salvation, has been scripturally baptized, completed the prescribed course of study, and agrees to accept the responsibilities of membership. Once accepted, the name of the new member shall be added to the NPBC roll and publicized to the membership of NPBC. If no clear evidence of salvation is found, the applicant cannot be accepted into the membership. However, NPBC will diligently offer Christian love, prayer, and scripture, making every attempt to lead the individual to Christ and then church membership. (John 3:16; Romans 1:16-17; 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9; James 2:14-26)



  1. A child who has experienced salvation and baptism may be granted a child membership. A child membership does not include voting rights. Voting rights are granted when the child reaches the age of sixteen, has completed the prescribed course of study (article 3 section 3), and is in harmony with its doctrines and practices.



  1. Personal holiness: to bring to NPBC a life submitted to Christ and Spirit-filled. Our relationship with the Lord is the source of everything we have to offer one another. Apart from God working in us, it is impossible to help others improve their relationship with God. (John 15:5)

  2. Christian relationships: to pursue godly relationships within NPBC. The bible teaches that the church is the Body of Christ in the world. We are appendages, members of the Body. It is imperative that each part of the body pursues healthy relationships, and respects and cares for the other parts of the body. (Romans 12:1; 1 Corinthians 12; 2 Corinthians 1:12)

  3. Life investment: seek to serve more than be served. As people of God, we are called to give our time, talents, spiritual gifts, and financial resources in service to others. (Mark 10:35-45; John 13:12-15; 1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12:3-21; 2 Corinthians 4:5)



  1. Decision-making: every member (as defined in Article 3, Sections 3 and 4) is entitled to vote. Voting shall be by proxy, by presence at a business meeting, or via online means. Regardless of method, each vote cast must be secure with membership verified. Voting method(s) will be made known at the time the membership is notified of the subject matter of the vote. Membership will be notified at least 2 weeks before such votes are taken and notification may be verbal, by printed document(s), or by electronic means, A minimum of 2 communication modes shall be used and utilize the most practical approach. Recognizing that the membership has a variety of preferences for receiving information, notification of the membership shall be designed to reach as many members as is practical. A vote of two thirds (unless otherwise stated) of the total votes cast is required for an issue to pass and voting results will be communicated via the same method(s) in which the vote was taken. If a business meeting is held, verified absentee or online votes shall be counted and the voting results be communicated after the votes are counted at the conclusion of the business meeting. Otherwise, voting results shall be communicated via the method in which the vote is conducted within one week of the voting deadline.

  2. Office holding: every member is eligible for consideration as a candidate for offices in NPBC, subject to scriptural qualifications, and other qualifications as noted herein. (Acts 6:1-7; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Timothy 3)

  3. Participation: every member of NPBC may participate in the ordinances of the church as administered by the church.

  4. Property of NPBC: members are not entitled to ownership in the property of NPBC.



  1. Purpose: the purpose of church discipline is to glorify God by maintaining:

(1) Purity in the church (1 Corinthians 5:6); (2) protecting believers by deterring sin (1 Timothy 5:20); and (3) promoting the spiritual welfare of the offending believer by calling him or her to return to biblical standards of doctrine and conduct. (Galatians 6:1)

  1. Process: members and all other professing Christians who regularly attend or fellowship at NPBC and err in biblical doctrine or conduct shall be subject to discipline according to Matthew 18:15-18.

  2. Reinstatement: if such a dismissed member heeds the warning, demonstrates repentance, and requests reinstatement, he or she shall be publicly restored to membership.


Membership shall be terminated in the following ways:

  1. Death of the member

  2. Transfer of membership to another Baptist Church

  3. By action of this church due to:

                                             1.     Departure from his previously expressed agreement with our beliefs;

                                             2.     Conduct that mars the testimony of the church or evidences a continued unrepentant departure from biblical morality;

                                             3.     Manifesting disinterest and/or inactivity in the life of the church;

                                             4.     Or other reasons as set forth in scripture.

  1. Upon request of the member




B.             SECTION 1: ELDERS

    I.           A. RESPONSIBILITIES

1.              According to the New Testament concept of eldership, elders lead the church, teach and preach the Word, protect the church from false teachers, exhort and admonish the saints in sound doctrine, visit the sick, pray, and judge doctrinal issues.  This will be an elder’s primary work at NPBC. As described for us in the New Testament, their overall responsibilities are as follows:


1.     General oversight of the church - Acts 20:28, Hebrews 13:17, I Thessalonians 5:12

a.    in practical matters - Acts 11:29-30, Acts 6:1-6

b.    in matters of doctrine - Acts 15, Acts 16:4 matters of discipline/character - Hebrews 13:17

2.    Shepherding, leading, the people - I Peter 5:2-3, Acts 20:28, Hebrews 13:17, James 5:14

3.    Equipping the body of Christ for the work of ministry - Ephesians 4:11-12

4.    Teaching the members - I Timothy 3:2, I Timothy 5:17, I Thessalonians 5:12

5.    Exhorting in sound doctrine - Titus 1:9

6.    Refuting those who contradict sound doctrine - Titus 1:9

7.    Living the standard of godliness - I Timothy 3:1, I Peter 5:3         


The elders are responsible to lead and shepherd the church body in all decision-making matters. This means that at times the elders will gather the entire congregation for open discussion, proposals, information, and prayer, and/or voting (Acts 6, Acts 15). At other times, decisions will be made solely by the elders (Hebrews 13:17, I Timothy 5:17, I Thessalonians 5:12-13).Church votes (article 3 section 6) will be taken on such matters as the selection of elders, deacons, trustees, affirmation of the annual church budget, the selection of full-time ministry staff, any acquisition or disposition of real estate, and the incurring of any indebtedness.

3.              The elders are responsible to oversee and promote a high level of financial accountability through such means as the presentation of the annual budget and monthly financial business reports. All financial records shall be available and open to any member during normal business hours, except individual giving records of other members.

4.              At all times, church members (including ministry teams) are responsible to exercise their God-given privilege to communicate their thinking on any issue to the elders for the purpose of together discovering the truth as revealed in God's Word. At all times, the elders are responsible to help promote and develop an educated, involved, and sufficiently informed congregation. In this manner, all members of the church body participate, although not all lead.

5.             The pastoral elder holds no greater authority than the remaining elders other than that of influence, but is to be regarded as the "first among equals." He shall be responsible for the primary preaching and teaching ministries of the church (1 Tim 5:17, Ephesians 4:11-12), the conducting of all public and regular services, and the general oversight of the church.

   II.           B. QUALIFICATIONS

1.              The essential element needed is that of godly character. An elder "must be" a man exhibiting the following characteristics: (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9).


(1)  Above reproach (blameless)

(2)  Husband of one wife (a one-woman man)

(3)  Temperate (sober, vigilant)

(4)  Prudent (sober-minded, sensible)

(5)  Respectable (orderly, of good behavior)

(6)  Hospitable

(7)  Able to teach (can exhort believers and refute false teaching)

(8)  Not given to wine

(9)  Not pugnacious (non-combative)

(10)  Gentle (moderate, forbearing, patient

(11)       Uncontentious (not soon angry, not quarrelsome, leaning away from strife)

(12)   Free from the love of money (not covetous, not greedy of gain)

(13)   Manages his own house well (his children are faithful, not accused of rebellion to God)

(14)   Not a new convert

(15)       Has a good reputation with outsiders

(16)       Not self-willed

(17)       A lover of good

(18)       Just (fair)

(19)       Devout (holy)

(20)        Self-controlled

He must be willing to make the necessary time commitments to fulfill his responsibilities as an elder.

  III.           C. NUMBER


The elder body shall be comprised of not less than three (3) nor more than ten (10) men. There shall always be a plurality of elders (Acts 14:23, Philippians 1:1). However, the number of elders must be limited by the number of qualified men that the Lord raises up, and the ability of the elders to maintain intimate, deep and growing relationships between its members. It is imperative that the elders model accountability, care, and every other aspect of authentic biblical community. Great care should be taken that the “number” of elders does not threaten the intimacy or the integrity of relationships within the elder body.

  IV.           D. CALLING ELDERS

Elders are called by God to provide spiritual leadership to the church.  The elders shall determine when the church would be benefited by the ordination of additional elders. This determination may be based on unique gifts and callings recognized within the body, and/or growth of the congregation, or to fill a vacancy (Article 4 section 1 G). Church members may at any time recommend elder candidates to the elder body per the process described in Article 4 section E.A prospective elder will be examined as prescribed below to determine:

·      His qualifications (article 4 section1 B.)

·      His knowledge of elder qualifications.

·      His personal knowledge and comprehension of the Word of God especially as it relates to sound doctrine.

·      His personal philosophy concerning the purpose of the local church and his responsibility as a leader within the church;

·      His agreement with the Beliefs & Governance of this church, in its entirety;

·      His ability and willingness to serve and participate actively as an elder, to attend faithfully the services and programs of the church and to support the various programs and activities of the church

·      His ability to teach and his desire to cultivate this ability for the Lord;

·      His life of making disciples for Christ; and

·      His history of being in biblical community including accountable, caring, submissive, and enduring relationships with other believers.


The selection of a new elder shall, at a minimum, follow the five (5) steps below:


1.    Candidate Identification – elder candidates shall be identified and recommended by the congregation. Nominations from NPBC members shall  be submitted  in writing and contain a short narrative describing why the nominee should be considered to serve as an elder.  Nominations should be submitted to any member of the elder body. The elder body will prayerfully determine if the nominee fits the biblical qualifications of an elder (article 4 section 1B & D) and he shall be submitted to a period of prayerful consideration by the existing elder body.

2.    Notification of the nominee – Following a season of prayer, observing that the nominee meets the criteria as stated in article 4 section 1B & D, the elder body shall notify the nominee that he is being considered to hold the office of elder for the church. The nominee shall submit himself to a time of prayer concerning God's call upon his life and his possible service as an elder of the church.

3.    Validation – Upon confirmation by the nominee of God's call on his life accompanied by faithful consistent service to  NorthPointe Baptist Church, the elders shall begin a validation process which consists of: the candidate’s  completion of an "Elder Candidate Questionnaire" to determine whether he meets the biblical qualifications of an elder, adequate time to evaluate the candidate is doctrinally sound(Titus 1:9b), affirmation that the candidate is in agreement with the beliefs and governance of this church, and various interviews with third parties concerning the candidates character, life, service within the body, and Christian witness.

4.    Confirmation – Upon satisfactory completion of the validation process, the elder candidate shall be presented to the congregation for comment on his character, qualifications, or any other issue that would affect his suitability to serve as an elder of the church.  The church body will be given two weeks to submit comments, questions, or concerns about any candidate to the elder body. The elder body will spend a minimum of two weeks investigating and praying through feedback received.  When this period is complete the names of the remaining elder candidates will be submitted to the church body for a vote. 

5.    Affirmation – Once the elder elect is affirmed by vote of the church body he will enter this affirmation phase of the elder selection process where he will serve for a full year as an elder elect.  This year of service as an elder elect will serve as his period of testing (1 Tim. 3:10), as the Bible warns, we’re “not to lay hands on anyone to hastily” (1 Tim. 5:22).  During this period of testing the elder-elect will meet regularly with the pastor to sharpen his ability to rightly handle God’s Word, become familiar with how elders function and operate, and ultimately to affirm in his own heart whether or not the Spirit has called him to serve as an elder of North Pointe (Acts 20:28).


During this period his life will be observed by the elder body and the congregation where his call is collectively observed and ultimately qualified by his consistent testimony of a pure life in the eyes of all.


It is God who calls him, the congregation who acknowledges him to be a godly and qualified man (Acts 6:5), and the elders who appoint him to his task (Acts 14:23; Tit. 1:5).


When his year of testing has been successfully completed and he receives the blessing and recommendation of the elder body, the elder candidate will be recognized by the church body in an ordination service where he will be officially received by the leadership of the church, and a public announcement, setting him aside for special ministry (1 Tim. 4:4).  The ordination service will communicate the following message to the new elders: “We commend you to the ministry of elder.  We stand with you, we support you, and we affirm your right to function as a leader of North Pointe.”   


  VI.           F. TERM

1.              Elders will serve continuously as long as they possess the character qualities and fulfill the standards of leadership and service described in Article 4 section 1 – A, B & D. 

2.             Any member of the church body may and should initiate church discipline against a sinning elder who is not exhibiting the character of fulfilling his responsibilities as an elder. An accusation against an elder should not be received "except on the basis of two or three witnesses" (I Timothy 5:19).


1.              Any elder may resign by written notification to the remaining elders. Any elder(s) may be removed from office by the unanimous decision of the remaining elders for any of the following reasons:


1.    Physically incapacitated

2.    Spiritually or morally unqualified or fails to fulfill his responsibilities or meet the qualifications outlined in this document under Article 4 section 1 - A, B & D.

3.    Doctrinally unqualified - fails to agree with the doctrinal statement outlined in the constitution and this document.

2.              If an elder(s) is unqualified, but refuses to resign, he may, at any time, be removed by unanimous decision of the remaining elders.

3.              If his removal is because of sin and he refuses to repent, he is to be dealt with as outlined under Article 3 Section 7&8 - "Discipline of Members" and is to be"rebuked in the presence of all, so that the rest may be fearful of sinning" (I Timothy 5:20).

VIII.           H. MEETINGS

1.              Elders will need quality time to pray together, talk over doctrinal issues, discuss people concerns and missionary needs, engage in creative thinking and planning, and handle the practical matters they cannot delegate. Therefore, regular meetings of the elders shall be held monthly, unless otherwise modified by the elders. Church members are encouraged to bring matters of concern to the elder body.

2.              The elders shall operate under the principle of total unanimity in all decision-making matters (I Corinthians 1:10, Acts 15:25, Philippians 2:2). There shall be no abstentions. If there are salaried elders, they shall not make decisions regarding their own employment or compensation package. A quorum is necessary to conduct an elders meeting. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the elders currently serving. Men who are going through the selection process as described in section 1(E) shall not be entitled to a vote but will observe and support the elders who have been recognized by the church. 



1.     Description of the Office

The pastoral elder is the vocational spiritual leader of the church and has oversight of the spiritual life of the church in conjunction with the elder Body. The pastoral elder should be fully prepared for his ministry as required by the elders. He should live a consistent Christian life, ruling his own house well and having a good testimony with non-Christians.

2.     Responsibilities of a Pastoral Elder

The pastoral elder is accountable to the elders for the oversight of the Beliefs and Governance of the church. He is responsible for leading the staff and church body in carrying out the purpose and values of the church and overseeing the church’s ministries.

3.     Calling a Pastoral Elder

The elders shall lead the search efforts for a pastoral elder. When the need arises, the elders will appoint a search team to assist in identifying qualified candidates, and or be involved in the search for a qualified candidate on its own. Ultimate responsibility and authority for calling a Pastoral elder rests with the Church Body, but the elder Body will lead the charge and give oversight. Since the Pastoral elder will serve as an elder of the church, at a minimum, the elder selection process shall be followed.

4.     Removing a Pastoral Elder

When the pastoral elder resigns or is removed by the elder Body, the elders may call a meeting to inform the congregation of the reasons for the removal or resignation, so far as is honoring to God, the pastoral elder, and the congregation. When the Pastoral elder resigns the elders shall accept his resignation. When the pastoral elder resigns or is removed from that office, the elders shall make provision for the interim fulfillment of the pastoral elder’s responsibilities. In that event an Interim Pastor will be appointed by the elders as a minister to carry on the pastoral duties while the church is without a pastoral elder.

C.             SECTION 2: DEACONS

     I.           A. RESPONSIBILITIES

1.              Deacons shall serve under the general oversight of the elders.

  • Deacons are responsible for particular and specific areas of leadership, ministry, help, and service according to their unique skills, gifts, and abilities under the oversight of the elders.

  • Deacons honor God and draw others to Him by their zeal and commitment in service, according to their calling, as affirmed by the congregation.

  • Deacons preserve harmony and promote unity for the entire congregation regardless of their specific area of responsibility.

  • Deacons will meet as necessary, individually, or as a group, under the auspice of the elders as essential to fulfill the task(s) they have been called and affirmed to administrate.

  • Deacon responsibilities shall be as follows:


1          To assist the elders so that elders may be released to be devoted to "prayer and the service of the Word" (Acts 6:2-4)

2          To be "in charge of" (administrate) any practical tasks for the organization and effectiveness of the church assigned by elders (Acts 6:3)

3          To be an example of servant hood to the church Body. (Acts 6:2-4, Matthew 23:11, I Timothy 3:13)

   II.           B. QUALIFICATIONS

1.              The essential element needed is that of godly character. A deacon "must" exhibit the characteristics as listed in I Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:3. Deacons must also be willing to commit the necessary time to fulfill their responsibilities.

  III.           C. NUMBER

1.              There shall be no specified number of deacons. The number will be determined by the needs of the church and those qualified to serve. (Acts 6:3).

  IV.           D. SELECTION

1.              The elders shall determine when the church would be benefited by the ordination or activation of additional deacons. This determination may be based on unique gifts and callings recognized within the body, and/or growth of the congregation. Church members may at any time recommend deacon candidates to the elder body. Recommendations will be considered by the elder body in accordance with the deacon selection process.


1.    The elder body shall identify qualified candidates.

2.     Candidates are interviewed by the elders.

3.    Upon unanimous approval by the elders, qualified candidates who are able and willing to serve are presented to the church.

4.    The church is given a period of three weeks.

a.    The church is to pray.

b.    The church expresses to the elders support for the candidates or any concerns or objections regarding the suitability of any of the deacon candidates.

c.     The elders consider all feedback from the congregation in order to determine the suitability of the candidate and the degree of congregational support.

d.    After due consideration of all feedback, and upon the elder’s continued unanimous support of the candidate(s), he (they) will be presented to the church as a deacon-elect.   

5.    The church shall vote on the list of deacon elects (Acts 6:5), and after one year of faithful service (“being tested” [1 Tim. 3:10]), they shall be presented to the church for ordination (or activation if formerly ordained).E. Term

2.              Deacons will serve continuously as long as they possess the character qualities and fulfill the standards of ministry and service described above.

3.              Any member of the church body may and should initiate church discipline against a sinning deacon who is not exhibiting the character or fulfilling the responsibilities of a deacon.

   V.           F. TERMINATION

1.              Any deacon may resign by written notification to the elders. Deacons may request inactive status if they have a life change which does not allow them to remain committed to their active service to the congregation.   

2.              Any deacon(s) may be removed from office by the unanimous decision of the elders for any of the following reasons:

a.    Physically incapacitated.

b.    Spiritually or morally unqualified or fails to fulfill their responsibilities or meet the qualifications outlined in this document under Article 4 section 2 - A and B.

c.Doctrinally unqualified - fails to agree with doctrine stated in the NPBC constitution. 

If a deacon's removal is because of sin and they refuse to repent, they are to be dealt with as outlined under Article 3, Section 7-8 - "Discipline of Members".




a.       Ministry Staff responsibilities/job descriptions shall be determined by the elders.  They are responsible to serve under the general oversight of the elders or their designee.


b.       Every individual on the Ministry Staff should be striving toward the goal of the character qualifications of an elder or a deacon (I Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9).  The senior elder/Teacher must have these qualities and serve as an elder. Other staff members may become elders or deacons as they go through the selection process. Ministry Staff members may be salaried or non-salaried.


c.        Size of the Ministry Staff shall be prayerfully determined by the elders.


d.       The elders shall act as a search team or designate a team as they see fit for all full-time Ministry Staff positions.  This team shall, after prayerful consideration and unanimous consent, present the prospective full-time Ministry Staff member to the church. A three-fourths vote of members voting shall constitute selection.


e.       Any Ministry Staff member may resign by written notification to the elders. At least two weeks’ notice is to be given regarding their resignation, unless a shorter time is mutually agreed upon by the Ministry Staff member and elders.

f.        Any Ministry Staff member may be removed by the unanimous decision of the elders for any of the following reasons:

a.    Physically incapacitated.

b.    Spiritually or morally unqualified or fails to fulfill the responsibilities or meet the qualifications outlined in this document.

c.     Doctrinally unqualified - fails to agree with doctrine stated in the NPBC constitution.

d.    Continued employment is not in the best interest of the church.

g.       If the Ministry Staff member to be terminated is an elder, he shall not participate in the decision regarding his termination.

h.       If the Ministry Staff member's removal is because of sin and they refuse to repent, they are to be dealt with as outlined under Article 3, Section 7 - 8 - "Discipline of Members".



a.       The elders shall oversee all church employees or may delegate such authority. This oversight includes, but is not limited to, employment, designation of responsibilities, supervision, and termination. Employees are responsible to the elders unless otherwise designated.


G.             SECTION 5: TRUSTEES

a.       The church is recognized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and as a Section 501(c) charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code. The trustees of the church shall be elected to perform the requisite duties as the corporate officers of the church. The team of trustees will consist of three individuals who will serve rotating three year terms, and will hold the corporate offices of President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer during their term. One new trustee will be elected each year to replace the one trustee rotating off each year. The trustees of the church shall not be an elder, but shall be nominated by the elders, and voted on by the church body. Trustees shall execute on behalf of the church; deeds, notes, deeds of trust, and any other instruments or contracts as may be necessary to comply with congregational decisions and God’s leading for the church body.



a.       The elders shall organize, or delegate the authority to organize, leadership/ministry teams for any reason deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the church. These leadership/ministry teams shall perform tasks solely in accordance with the duties, powers, and length of tenure specifically delegated to them.



5.            ARTICLE 5 - DISSOLUTION


Upon the dissolution of North Pointe Baptist Church, all property, real and personal, shall be donated to the Capital Baptist Association for use in any Southern Baptist Convention activity.




The elders, deacons, and trustees shall be indemnified and held harmless for actions consistent with the purpose and vision of NPBC. NPBC shall primarily be responsible for liability arising from such actions or inaction of the trustees. Reasonable expenses to litigate or otherwise resolve issues arising from the trustees’ performance of their duties and responsibilities shall be paid by NPBC. At the election of the trustees, this same indemnification shall extend to all individuals performing within the scope of their duties and responsibilities for the benefit of NPBC.


7.            ARTICLE 7 - AMENDMENTS


Changes to the constitution and/or bylaws may be made. Each amendment shall have been presented in writing and/or posted electronically at least two weeks prior to the business meeting. The proposed amendment or any changes shall be made available to the membership and communicated via the most effective and efficient methods. Amendments to the constitution and/or bylaws shall be by a three-fourths vote.






Signed this _______ day of _____________________, 2014






______________________    ______________________    ____________________

President                                 Vice President                         Secretary/Treasurer

Shaji Jacob                              Bradley Cox                             Keith Brawdy




Mark Sinor